Ballarat to receive train link to airport

Ballarat to receive train link to airport

The state government has matched a $5 billion commitment by the federal government to build a rail connection from Ballarat to Tullamarine airport.

The state government’s preference is for the link to be constructed through Sunshine with a business case to be conducted over the next two years to determine the best alignment.

Initial analysis rated the proposed Sunshine route the highest of all the provided route options, with an estimated cost of $8-13 billion.

The construction of the link will mean travel time to the airport will be just over an hour, an attractive proposition for families and business people alike.

Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allen said the Sunshine link was confirmed from state government’s point of view with construction due to be completed by 2026.

This is a fantastic opportunity for Florian’s future residents and investors as it could mean more economic growth for Ballarat overall and improved property values over the coming years.

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This article was originally featured in The Ballarat Courier.